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Welcome to Izzytastic. Izzytastic is a website intended to showcase my personality to it's fullest without being burdened by the restrictive lack of customization and toxicity of traditional social media. I'm the type of person that really enjoys seeing people's personality and was inspired to make a personal website of my own after seeing all the creative websites people have made on Neocities. I'm still an amateur at HTML and CSS so sometimes changes to the site will not be rolled out smoothly. I hope that my website at least brings some enjoyment to others, even if only marginally. Thank you for stopping by to check out!
09/25/24: Added some travel pictures
09/25/24: Added Awesome Links page
09/24/24: Improved About Me page
09/22/24: Added Photography section and photos of pets
09/20/24: Made headers pink
Customize homepage more
Add Pictures from various travels
Gather trivia for inclusion on site
Site created: 9/16/2024. Last Updated:
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